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Data Cloud
Offene Themen / Open research topics
All thesis topics can be conducted in German or English. To simply the overview I display the topics in English.
Topic 1

Current understanding of Circular Economy and Cradle to Cradle innovation by hidden champions* in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Suggested methods
a) 3-5 qualitative case studies building on mixed methods, qualitative interviews and secondary data
b) Quantitive survey of 50 - 70 SMEs


Topic 2

Current understanding of Circular Economy and Cradle to Cradle innovation by hidden champions* in Northern Germany.

Suggested methods
a) 3-5 qualitative case studies building on mixed methods, qualitative interviews and secondary data
b) Quantitive survey of 50 - 70 SMEs


Topic 3
How do hidden champions* stay innovative?

Suggested methods:
5 qualitative interviews with northern German hidden (SME) champions)


Topic 4

Which innovation topics have CEO attention in 2021? 

Suggested methods:
Survey with minimum 20 Northern SMEs.

Which buzzwords are interesting to them: Design Thinking, Circular Economy, Service Business Model, industry 4.0, service as a product (SaaP) etc. Can be carried out digitally or at a branch conference




*  SMEs with high market shares

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